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youth t shirts

Option 2
  •    1.Power positive ( black/white) : Helps the daily operation and keeps the youth employed through a company called

    peerless advertisement-N- production company. it hires youth at $10.00  an hour and works around the students schedule  and  helps them while they are in school.

       2. Documentaries (white/black): This program will provide film equipment, a producer, technical director, editor, and support staff to do documentaries on different subjects with the youth, seniors and the community as a whole.

       3. community studio (Green/ black) : this program will provide a multimedia center for the community that can be used at no cost, to demo tapes, pictures for portfolios, classes on equipment use and many  different uses.

       4.Sports Scholarship ( gold/black) : this program pays the fees, and other expenses, for a child to play organized sports or youth activities.

       5.Teen Parent Prevention (Pink/Black) : This is  a dual program. It will teach and preach to teens to wait to have kids, and provide an intensive education portion on the responsibility of being a parent. It will also provide support for teen parents, and get them in the stop teen parents programs.

       6.Artists scholarships (Sky blue/ black) : this program pays for the cost of art supplies for children that paint, dance or do non traditional arts as a hobby, and educates them on the background of their art.

       7. Liza May Burial fund (Navy blue/ white) : This program  provides support to families effected by cancer.

       8. family preservation Services fund (lime green/ black) This  program will help families get the services and support that they need to stay together . Also , furniture assistance( beds, stoves, refrigerators, clothing, laundry soap, ect.)

       9. youth fun fund (orange/ black) : This is a reward program to give back to the youth who give to our community.

       10. child care fund (Yellow/ Black) : this program helps families with the cost of childcare for those who do not qualify for low income childcare, and still need assistance.

       11. Star rena burial fund: ( black/ red) : This program provides support to families that are effected by sickle Cell anemia

       12. Legal assistance fund (red/ black) : This program will pay for the legal fees not covered by legal aid

       13. Operation Rebuild (brown/black) : this program provides assistance to homeowners and community members to help keep their community beautiful.

       14. Operation Take Care Home ( brown/white) : this program provides assistance to the community for big projects( I.E help rebuild  rundown property, etc).

       15. Operation Make a Change (Beige/ black): This program is a grant program that provides funding to other organizations for their projects.

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